Player with most unique achievements
Player with most achievements
All positive achievements received by the server
General Kill Streaks (26/26)
75,389,273 |
14,611,890 |
3,991,318 |
1,450,965 |
658,132 |
357,188 |
224,366 |
994,517 |
42,235,194 |
9,403,809 |
1,324,694 |
660,251 |
370,010 |
80,994 |
8,619 |
998 |
259 |
12,728 |
6,596 |
14,430,978 |
2,250,188 |
715,112 |
299,960 |
116,881 |
45,383 |
635,432 |
| | | | | | |
Weapon Specific Kill Streaks (19/19)
818,955 |
2,798 |
542,381 |
635,124 |
61,478 |
13,655 |
701 |
1,670 |
3,082 |
57,654 |
3,750 |
103,446 |
4,702 |
165,803 |
20,183 |
49,691 |
14,904 |
755,144 |
47,373 |
| | |
Dominations (14/14)
2,814,773 |
710,344 |
1,139,644 |
83,927 |
1,331,308 |
636,322 |
4,437,866 |
228,625 |
24,838,783 |
7,891,432 |
2,996,290 |
2,463,391 |
694,279 |
| | | | | | | | |
Medic Support (14/14)
3,358,874 |
181,704 |
17,530 |
19,609 |
8,850,460 |
553,028 |
67,590 |
13,674 |
1,215,315 |
222,904 |
53,843 |
390,813 |
155,545 |
51,590 |
| | | | | | | |
Special Kills (16/16)
192,531 |
5,544,895 |
265,720 |
1,137,515 |
1,205,989 |
68,393 |
15,707,212 |
2,313,721 |
18,082 |
53,632 |
6,054,308 |
1,181,683 |
11,507,363 |
4,610 |
10,519,621 |
1,917 |
| | | | | |